Saturday, March 7, 2015

Our Artic Home Photos

Finally, some wonderful snowy pictures of our home!  I'm not a photographer...
 This is the front...
 This is the back...
 This is our "I can't wait to use this," green house!  It has louvered glass panels, fans, and PVC water pipes just sitting there waiting for Spring!  It looks like they grew lots of tomatoes there.
 Here is a corner of our living room and this little woodstove keeps the place warm!
 Here's a bit of kitchen...
And one bonus baby moose picture taken by my oldest son two days ago.  The same moose have been hanging out here and there since Sunday!  Isn't he cute?  He is laying in several feet of snow, that gives you an indication of his size.  The little red round things in the picture are freeze dried rose hips.  The kids and dog eat them for a tart little snack!

1 comment:

  1. Your home looks lovely! I imagine you can't wait until spring to get some use out of your greenhouse! And I loved the picture of the baby moose - so precious! Also, rose hips are very good for you, and are very high in vitamin C! You might consider boiling some in a tea and drinking, excellent for you! Blessings to you and your family today :)
