Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Leaves of Joy

Oh the joy of falling leaves....and throwing them at one another...
Wow, another month gone much has been happening around the Gerhardt household but I thought this picture captured something special and 

It's school days spent in the sun, or together in the schoolhouse with other families....

1888 old school desks with little metal ink well holes

 little children of 2016, to fill them up...

Enjoying our children and students....

Yes, there's even room for toddlers in this school house
Antique wooden easels held together by a piece of rope...

Here's the front of the 1906 school house

Here's the inside of the gym built in 1931
What we've enjoyed the most over the last year is watching God bring people, supplies, equipment, and encouragement to grow whatever He is growing here.  I wish I could tell you exactly what's happening but I can't.  AND for once, I'm OK with not knowing the direction God is moving us in.  It's His work, done His way, with His people.  I'm so blessed to be a part of whatever He is doing.

All I know is there has been lots of laughter, a few tears, prayers, singing, piano playing, volleyball and basketball games, tag, encouragement, fellowshipping in Christ Jesus, sharing memories, making things, a grammar class, an art and PE class, birthday parties, a recital coming up and hopefully more classes and events on the way.....

We are so excited to watch people coming together here from all walks of life enjoying one another, enjoying life, learning together and growing.  It's a real community forming and it ebbs and flows with such a gentle pace. 

May you all be blessed with peace, joy, and contentment this day no matter what the political climate may bring....after all, our country is made up of real people like you and me and it will be what it will be. 

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