Friday, January 20, 2017

Inauguration Day Celebration in our Pajamas

Are we done yet?
All 8 of us, aged 18 months, to 41 years gathered around our tiny computer screen to watch the swearing in of our new President Trump today, live!  It was so exciting to see and hear the speeches and listen to the historical excerpts being read, including the Bible.  The prayers and singing were beautiful.

We entered into discussion about the honor and privilege we've been born into here in America.  We are so thankful once again to our armed forces and police for their protection and the freedoms they have fought and won for us.  We are excited to support our new leader.  May we constantly be in prayer over the direction of our country and the steps it will take.  May it be done in such a way as to bring glory to God.

We are so thankful to have watched this momentous occasion in the comfort of our own home, in our pajamas of all things!  As I put my arms around my children this morning I had a lump in my throat, realizing that they, someday, will be the next leaders of my beautiful and dear country, AMERICA.  They may not hold political positions of leadership but most likely will be parents and in authority and leadership from that perspective.

From my perspective as their Mother, I am again reminded of my importance in their lives and therefore, the future of my country.  We need to raise our children up to love one another, love the Lord their God, and set the standard for nations to follow in the footsteps of our forefathers.  What a serious and honorable position of Motherhood.  May God grant all Mothers and Fathers the strength to rise up and lead their families in truth as we progress forward in the world.

I suppose the highest standard we will ever wave in the sky will be the banner of love.  It will never fail.  America press on!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

New Year Challenge

Bringing in the New Year with a BANG
Happy New Year everyone....I suggest not making any new resolutions, you'll just forget about it anyway and then be discouraged that you were never able to live up to your own expectations.

Instead, I challenge you to get rid of anything that continually trips you up and entangles you in sin.  Press on towards the high calling and finish line, looking to the author and finisher of your faith....sound familiar?

It will not only encourage you, inspire you, build you up and make you a success, you'll live forever while doing it, make new friends, learn to love your enemies, doing good to all those that surround you.  What more could you want for the New Year?

Oh, but it's not about you.....I know, I know, we hear it all the time but it's a passing smokescreen covering up your emptiness and real need for a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. 

How is that possible?  How do you have a real relationship with the God of the Universe?  It's been started for you already in His heart...He is the person of Jesus Christ: His work already finished...death on the cross, His proof of identity...being raised from the dead,  His is the power and kingdom and dominion forever, AMEN.

Trust Him at His word.  He loves you.  He's reached out to you in the form of His very own Son, will you call on Him today?