Home Sweet Cabin |
A Wood Frog |
Look how small it really is... |
My son caught this wood frog hopping about in the forest near our log cabin. These little creatures are amazing! The very word, creature, imply that they are indeed created by a Creator. They blend in with their surroundings very well.
We are preparing to move, within the next couple weeks, back to Oregon. My oldest daughter needs a small surgery on her heart. She's been diagnosed with S.V.T. It is a very simple surgery and we will be thankful to have it done by fall time of this year. We've chosen to relocate to Oregon because there is no surgery available for a child's heart here in Alaska. My husband also got his full time job back in McMinnville as well, which means we'll be able to live closer to both sides of our extended family.
We are all sad to leave the "Last Frontier" behind along with all the beautiful snow and adventure of living out of town in a log cabin. We are happy at the prospect of having complete indoor plumbing, however. We have all grown in the last two years here so much. All the hard work and having to do without many things has made us really appreciate those things we take for granted. We are looking forward to more adventures as we leave Alaska and travel through Northern B.C. and down through Jasper, Banff, and Lake Louise. We'll be stopping by Lethbridge, Alberta to see my dearest friend from HighSchool and her husband for a few days. Then it will be on to Eastern Washington to see another dear family and then finally to Oregon.
I believe I will close this blog because it will no longer be about Alaska. I will miss journaling my thoughts and adventures with my family. They love to read at the end of the days that I write, what I wrote about them. It has been such a treasure to have all these pictures and mini clips of life along the way. If I can get another blog up and going about Oregon, I will. Until then, have a wonderful summer everyone!
As we enter another season of life, may the hope of the return of Jesus Christ never fade in your hearts. May the peace of knowing that God loves you and holds no judgement over you flood your souls. May every day be filled with adventure, growth, and a yearning to learn the truth in everything as you allow the Holy Spirit to guide you.